one of the humanistic approaches was developed in the 1970’s by the Bulgarian educator
Georgi Lozanov. It is based on the idea that people, as they get older, inhibit their learning to
conform to the social norms and in order to reactivate the capabilities they used as children,
teachers have to use the power of suggestion. This paper presents theoritical components, key features and the use of this
method in classroom. The conclusion is that,
despite a lot of inconveniences, Suggestopedia has elements that can be used successfully to teach speaking for young learners.
Key words: Suggestopedia, advantages and disadvantages
Suggestopedia is a teaching method, which focuses on
how to deal with the relationship between mental potential and learning
efficacy... (Xue, 2005). This method was introduced by a Bulgarian
psychologist and educator, George Lazanov in 1975. Maleki (2005) believed
that we are capable of learning
much more than we think, provided we use our brain power and inner capacities. In addition, DePorter (2008) assumed that human brain
could process great quantities of material if given the right condition for
learning in a state of relaxation and claimed that most students use only 5 to 10 percent of their mental capacity. Lazanov
created Suggestopedia for learning that capitalized on relaxed states of mind
for maximum retention material. By using this kind of methof, students can
get the memorization 25 times faster rather than conventional methods (Bowen,
The approach
was based on the power of suggestion in learning, the notion being that
positive suggestion would make the learner more receptive and, in turn,
stimulate learning. Lozanov holds that a relaxed but focused state is the optimum
state for learning. In order to create this relaxed state in the learner and to
promote positive suggestion, Suggestopedia makes use of music, a comfortable
and relaxing environment, and a relationship between the teacher and the
student that is akin to the parent-child relationship. Music, in particular, is
central to the approach. Unlike other methods and approaches, there is no
apparent theory of language in Suggestopedia and no obvious order in which
items of language are presented.
Richard and
Rogers (1998) stated that there were some theoretical components through suggestion operate:
(1) Authority: students remember best and are influenced
when information comes from an authority or teachers
Infantilization: learners may regain
self-confidence in a relation of teacher-student like that of parent to child
(3) Double-planedness: learning does not
only come from direct
instruction but also comes from the environment in which instruction takes
(4) Intonation, rhythm, and concert pseudo-passiveness:
varying tone and rhythm of presentation frees the instruction from boredom, and
presenting linguistic material with music gets the benefit of the effect
produced on body.
Key Features of Suggestopedia:
In this kind of teaching method, the classroom is very
different from common classrooms. In the classroom, the chairs are arranged
semicircle and faced the black or white board in order to make the students pay
more attention and get more relaxed. The light in the classroom is dim in order
to make the students’ mind more relaxed (Xue, 2005).
The use of music
One of the most uniqueness of this method is the use of
Baroque music during the learning process. Ostrander and Schroeder cited in
Harmer (1998) said that Baroque music, with its 60 beats per minute and its
specific rhythm, created the kind of relaxed states of mind for maximum
retention of material. It is believed that Baroque music creates a level of
relaxed concentration that facilitates the intake and retention of huge
quantities of materials. Baroque music helps the suggestopedic
student to reach a certain state of relaxation, in which the receptivity is
increased (Radle, 2008). The increase in
learning potential is put down to the increase of alpha brain and decrease of
blood preasure and heart rate. The music used also depends on the expected
skill of the students: grammar, imagination exercises, making future plans,
discussion, etc
Peripheral Learning
The students acquire English not only from direct
instruction but also from indirect instruction. It is encouraged through the
presence in the learning environment of posters and decoration featuring the
target language and various grammatical information. They are changed everyday.
By doing this, the students can learn many things undirectly in the classroom
or outside classroom. For example, studentss can make simple
oral production by using the posters or grammatical information on the wall.
Free Errors
In the teaching learning process of speaking, students
who make mistakes are tolerated. The emphasis is on the content not the
structure. Grammar and vocabularies are presented and given treatment from the
teachers, but not dwelt on.
Homework is limited
students reread materials given in the classroom once before they
go to sleep at night and once in the morning before they get up.
6. Music, drama and art are integrated in the learning
They are integrated as often as possible
Design of Suggestopedia
The objectives of Suggestopedia
are to deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly. It bases its
learning claims on student mastery of prodigious lists of vocabulary pairs and,
indeed, suggest to the students that is appropriate that they set such goals
for themselves. Lozanov emphasizes, however, that increased memory power is not
an isolated skill but is a result of “positive, comprehensive stimulation of
personality” (Lozanov 1978: 253).
As Suggestopedia course lasts
30 days and consists of ten units of study. Classes are held 4 hours a day, 6
days a week. The central focus of each unit is a dialogue consisting of 1.200
words or so, with an accompanying vocabulary list and grammatical commentary.
The dialogues are graded by lexis and grammar.
There is a pattern of work within each unit
and a pattern of work for the whole course. Unit study is around 3 days, day
1-half a day, day 2-full day, day 3-half a day. On the first day of work on a
new unit the teacher discusses the general content of the unit dialogue. The
learners then receive the printed dialogue with a native language translation
in a parallel column. The teacher answers any questions of interest or concern
about the dialogue. The dialogue then is read a second and third time in ways
to be discussed subsequently. This is the work for day 1. Days 2 and 3 are
spent in primary and secondary elaboration of the text. Primary elaboration
consist of imitation, question and answer, reading and so on, of the dialogue and
of working with the 150 new vocabulary items presented in the unit. The
secondary elaboration involves encouraging students to make new combinations
and production based on the dialogue. A story or essay paralleling the dialogue
is also read. The students engage in conversation and take small roles in
response to the text read.
Suggestopedia in the classroom
As with other methods, there are variants both historical
and individual in the actual conduct of Suggestopedia classes. Adaptation such
as those we witnessed in Toronto by Jane Bancroft and her colleagues at
Scarborough Collage, University of Toronto, showed a wide and diversified range
of techniques unattested to in Lozanov’s writings. We have tried here to
characterize a class as described in the Suggestopedia literature while
pointing out where the actual classes we have observed varied considerably from
the description. Bancroft (1972) noted that the 4-hour language class has three
distinct parts. The first part we might call an oral review section. Previously
learned material is used as the basis for discussion by the teacher and twelve
students in the class. All participants sit in a circle in their specially
designed chairs, and the discussion proceeds like a seminar. This session may
involve what are called micro-studies and macro-studies. In micro-studies
specific attention is given to grammar, vocabulary, and precise questions and
answers. A question from a micro-study might be, “ what should one do in a
hotel room if the bathroom tap are not working?” In the macro-study, emphasis
is on role of playing and wider-ranging, innovative language construction.
“describe to someone the Boyana Church” would be an example of a request for
information from the macro-studies.
In the second part of the class new material is presented
and discussed. This consists of looking over a new dialogue and its native
language translation and discussing any issues of grammar, vocabulary, or
content that the teacher feels important or that students are curious about.
Bancroft notes that this section is typically conducted in the target language,
although student questions or comments will be in whatever language the student
feels he or she can handle. Students are led to view the experience of dealing
with new materials as interesting and undemanding of any special effort or
anxiety. The teacher’s attitude and authority are considered critical to preparing
students for success on the learning to come. The pattern of learning and use
is noted, so that the students will know what is expected.
The third part- the séance or concert session- is the one
by which Suggestopedia is best known. Since this constitutes the heart of the
method, we will quote Lozanov as to how this session proceeds.
At the beginning of the
session, all conversation stops for a minute or two, and the teacher listens to
the music coming from a tape-recorder. He waits and listens to several passages
in order to enter the mood of the music and then begins to read and recite the
new text, his voice modulated in the harmony with the musical phrases. The
students follow the text in their textbook where each lesson is translated into
the mother tongue. Between the first and second part of the concert, there are
several minutes of solemn silence. In some cases, even longer pauses can be
given to permit the students to stir a little. Before the beginning of the
second part of the concert, there are again several minutes of solemn silence
and some phrases of the music are heard again before the teacher begins to read
the text. Now the students close their textbooks and listen to the teacher’s
reading. At the end, the students silently leave the classroom. They are not
told to do any homework on the lesson they have just had except for reading it
cursorily once before going to bed and again before getting up in the morning.
(Lozanov 1978: 272)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Suggestopedia
As a
particular method, Suggestopedia offers some benefit for its use in the second
language classroom for YLLs. There are some benefits in utilizing Suggestopedia:
A comprehesible input
based on dessugestion and suggestion principle
By using this teaching
method, students can lower their affective filter. Suggestopedia classes, in addition, are held in ordinary rooms with comfortable
chairs, a practice that may also help them relaxed. Teacher can do numerous other
things to lower the affective filter. According to Kharsen (1989) cited in
Xue (2005) activities
that allow students to get better acquainted with each other may help lower
anxieties and make students to adopt new names for the duration of the language
course may have a similar effect.
Authority concept
Students remember best and are most
influenced by information coming from an authoritative source, teachers.
Double-planedness theory
It refers to the learning from two aspects. They are the conscious aspect and the
subconscious one. students can acquire
the aim of teaching instruction from both direct instruction and environment in
which the teaching takes place.
Peripheral learning
Suggestopedia encourages the
students to
apply language more independently, take more personal responsibility for
their own learning and get more confidence. Peripheral information can
also help encourage students to be more experimental, and look to sources other
than the teacher for language input. For example, the students can make
some sentences using the grammatical structure placed on the classroom’s wall,
describe a particular place in an English speaking country by looking at the
poster on the wall, etc. When the students are successful in doing such self-activities,
they will be more confident.
It is not fair to
analyze only from the benefit aspects. Suggestopedia also has limitation since
there is no single teaching method that is chategorized as the best based on some
consideration such as: the curriculum, students motivation, financial
limitation, number of students, etc.
The main disadvantages of Suggestopedia are as follow:
Most schools in developing countries have large classes.
Each class consists of 30 to 40 students. One of the problems faced in
utilizing this method is the number of students in the class. There should be
12 students in the class (Adamson, 1997).
The use of hypnosis
Some people say that Suggestopedia uses a hypnosis, so it
has bad deep effects for human beings. Lazanov strongly denied about it.
Suggestopedia class is conditioned be child-like
situation. There are some students who do not like to be treated like this as
they think that thay are mature.
Teaching speaking for young learners using Suggestopedia
is very interesting but challenging to do. It can be seen from some
considerations. In one side it has some benefits, but on the other side it also
has some weaknesses. In addition, the key factors of
effective teaching are not the approaches and methods in language teaching
themselves but the teacher’s deliberate selection of different approaches and
methods and the devoted practice of putting theories into real teaching
activities in a corresponding social-cultural context. It is a fact that no
approach or method is perfect. However, there is no end for us to seek the
perfection of the approaches and methods in language teaching. The language teaching
method known as Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights into the power of
cognition and creates techniques that make
students feel comfortable,
relaxed and suggestible to the material being learned.
Adamson, Charles. 1997. Suggestopedia as NLP. Assian EFL Journal: English Language Teaching
and Research Article. 27 Jan.2009 <http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/feb/suggest.html>.
Bowen, Tim. 2009. Teaching
Approaches: What is Suggestopedia?. Assian EFL Journal: English Language
Teaching and Research Article. 27 Jan.2009 <http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/feb/suggest.html>.
DePorter, Boby. 2008. Suggestopedia.
Mediawiki. 20 Jan.2009 <http://www.englishraven.com/method_suggest.html>
Lica, Gabriela Mihaila.
2008. Suggestopedia: A Wonder Approach to
Learning Foreign Languages. Assian EFL Journal: English Language
Teaching and Research Article. 27 Jan.2009 <http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/feb/suggest.html>.
Maleki, Ataillah. 2005. A New Approach to Teaching English as a Foreign
the Bottom-Up Approach. Assian EFL Journal: English Language Teaching and Research Article. 27 Jan.2009 <http:// http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/feb/suggest.html>.
the Bottom-Up Approach. Assian EFL Journal: English Language Teaching and Research Article. 27 Jan.2009 <http:// http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/97/feb/suggest.html>.
Richard and Rodgers. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University
Xue, Jinxiang. 2005. Critical
Review on Suggestopedia. Division of Language and
Communication. 20 Jan.2009, pr 1 <http://www.eslkidstuff.com/Articles.htm>.
Mini lesson plan
Suggestopedia with
![]() |
Daily Instructional Lesson Plan Worcester County Public Schools
Content Area(s)/Course/Grade:
begginer class
Lesson Topic:
26, 2016
west Indonesia
will be able to:
v Recognize the
differences between Indonesian and English text.
v Develop English
listening skills during a read aloud.
v Focus their
minds on the task at hand.
v Demonstrate
comprehension through interactions and participation, using both the native
and primary languages.
Context for
This lesson was developed for a beginning level English
class or for other students with no English background. In an ESL classroom, I would use this
method to teach English by reversing the role of the two languages.
The classroom environment should be enjoyable but
relaxing; with comfortable chairs and with relia that complements the text.
Prior to this lesson, students were given English
names and chose professions, in order to take on a different persona (if
given time, students would choose names and professions as an opening
Gather students in a circle and encourage them to
relax. The teacher will open the class with the
positive dialogue then give them the text, in both Indonesian
and English, to refer to during the readings. Inform students to clear their minds and follow along while the teacher
reads in the target language, referring to the primary language for
comprehension when necessary.
Informal assessment through teacher observation.
After the lesson, students’ comprehension would be
assessed through their participation and interaction in the planning and
presenting of their “skit.”
After reading the three passages, inform the
students that their homework for tonight is to read the text once more before
bed and then again in the morning before getting up.
Reading text :
Once upon a time there was a young man who
was addicted to chocolate. He ate it for breakfast in the morning, at lunch and
dinner - it seemed that he was never tired of eating it. Chocolate with
cornflakes, chocolate on toast, chocolate and beer - he even boasted of eating
chocolate and steak.
was married to a beautiful woman whom he had met when he was recovering from
flu. She was a nurse, responsible for all the patients in the area and very
content with her job. In fact the only problem these two had was his dependence
on chocolate. One day the young wife decided on a plan to make her husband
allergic to chocolate forever. She confided in her best friend and asked her to
cooperate with her in playing a trick on her husband. She was aware of the fact
that her friend suffered from rats and she asked if she could borrow some of
her rat poison. Her friend was a little surprised at the request but agreed to
it and gave her the poison. The young wife hurried home and started work in the
kitchen, very satisfied with herself. An hour later she emerged from the
kitchen proudly carrying a large chocolate cake and the empty tin of rat
poison. "Darling - I've made a lovely chocolate cake for you!" she
called fondly. Down the stairs the greedy husband ran and in short time he had
polished it off, right down to the last crumb.
He was released from hospital after only
two weeks. He never accused his wife of poisoning him, but he was always
slightly suspicious of her. Needles to say, he never again touched chocolate.
Pada zaman dahulu kala, ada seorang pemuda
yang kecanduan akan cokelat. Dia memakannya pada saat makan pagi, siang dan
malam- tampak seakan Ia tak pernah lelah untuk memakan itu. Cokelat dengan
cornflake, cokela dengan roti, cokelat dan bir- dia bahkan membual tentang
memakan cokelat dengan steak.
menikah dengan wanita cantik yang ia temui ketika dirawat karena flu. Dia
seorang perawat yang bertanggung jawab pada semua pasien di area tersebut dan
sangat berkomitmen dengan kerjanya. Faktanya, masalah mereka berdua hanyalah
ketergantungannya pada cokelat. Pada suatu hari istrinya memutuskan rencana untuk membuat suaminya
alergis terhadap cokelat selamanya. Dia mengaku pada sahabatnya dan memintanya
untuk bekerja sama dalam bermain trik pada suaminya. Dia menyadari bahwa
temannya menderita karena tikus dan bertanya apakah dia bisa meminjamkan sebagian racun tikus untuknya.
Temannya sedikit terkejut dengan permintaan tersebut dan setuju untuk memberikannya
racun. Istrinya pun bergegas pulang dan mulai berkerja di dapur, sangat puas
dengan dirinya. Satu jam kemudian dia muncul dari dapur dengan bangga membawa
kue cokelat besar dan kaleng berisi racun tikus. “Sayang, aku sudah membuat kue
cokelat kesukaanmu ! dia memanggilnya dengan lembut. Dengan berlari cepat suami
yang rakus turun dan dalam waktu singkat ia sudah memoles itu semua, hingga
remah terakhir.
Dia keluar dari rumah sakit setelah 2
minggu. Dia tidak pernah menuduh istrinya yang meracuni dia tapi dia selalu
curiga kepadanya. Tiada gunanya, dia tidak pernah menyentuh cokelat lagi.